ever wondered how yanting prays at home?? bet this will clear all your doubts!!!

see. he gets on his knees, positions his hands and then close his eyes. ronaldo's doing it too. but the setting's not right. the altar is missing. and the incense too. where's your joss ronaldo?? go get 3 from yanting.


12/30/2006 02:40:00 AM

Player repot and evaluation.

Since zhile rants about evaluation and since i noticed no one's gonna do something about it, i'm going to start the ball rolling. ok, since i don't see some of you when i come, i'm just gonna evaluate the guys that i see, so it's fair and it'll avoid me calling wee chong a world class player(which is not true). joking, joking. none of us here can make it for our nation anyway.

zhile. able to slide and strafe past defenders. shows good technique. excellent balance. you just need to work on power shooting. i suggest u by the 3.50 ball and ram it against the pillars of your void deck a million times. just what i did when i was 9. nice body when he takes off his shirt. ;D. To die for. hahahahaha

yan ting. well what can i say about this s.o.b. aggression and tackles, HARD TACKLES, revolves around this stopper. passionate, yes. but a little bit too passionate, yanting?? good upper body strength, despite your thin frame. which is good, gives illusions to other teams. brave? of course.
took my clearance right in your nose remember? as a defender, u need to check your positioning. we've played with this guy back in secondary school and most of the time we thought u were playing striker! don't drift away from me man.

jia wei. well, well. shatec boy. hahaha. jia wei is a useful player. he's versatile and he has stamina which is needed in many positions. i've seen his newly-acquired turns and i must say that it's effective. turns that evades gets u out of troubles. and thats what your turns do. as a player, we need to have strength. strength is what u need, jia wei. free time, go gym. haha.

fabi. fabi, fabi. i'm not saying this because i wanna act "coachy", i want all of us to improve. ok, fabi, physically, u are fine. but u need to improve on your technique. particularly, ball control and first touch. you possess great teamwork cuz u pass often. and you block and defend well.

teack loong and asaph. fast runners good dribblers even better finishers. i'm terrified when i have to go against these two.

12/25/2006 11:09:00 PM

i am thinking of a new blogskin based on our fav players.so pls tag on the tagboard the name of ur fav players.these are the ones i know

choon ngee-?
shaiful-sami hyypia
teckloong-c.ronaldo/ronaldinho=>pick one
yongzhen-nesta/terry/aimar=>pick one
edmund-van nistelrooy
jiawei-figo/messi=>pick one

thanks.i'll try to make the blog as nice as possible.meanwhile, pls pay the jersey money.everyone wans to wear it as soon as possible.thanks.


12/18/2006 01:34:00 PM

Roy Keane

pls dun try this when we play.


12/17/2006 04:14:00 AM

We have bought a new ball.
Its a red Total 90 Spectra, the one EPL is using currently. I think everyone only needs to chip in a significant amount of $1. Thx. Pls pay up to Fab as SOON as possible..
The new ball

12/16/2006 02:28:00 PM

sorry guys for not playing will y'all for the past month or so?? got matches and last minute things crop up. and cuz i dont have shoes too. hahaa. that's why. but the coming sat i might be able to join you guys. hope i can get shoes soon. how've you guys been?? playing better or standard dropped?? hope its better. when i play with you guys again i'll be so retarded cuz so long never play, so forgive me. need time to regain my sharpness, skills, marksmanship and all. hahaa.

anyway, if you guys wanna find a field to play, can always come to the SP multi purpose field to play. the condition is better already. and can challenge my school team, as in CLS team. i'll be more than happy to arrange for you guys. but which side i play on will depend.


12/10/2006 12:36:00 AM

Yeah, I agree with JW.
Soccer should be something that we play to enjoy. Though our playing style may be different, but the aim of enjoying soccer should be there. However the desire to improve oneself should also be there as there is no point using Enjoyment as an excuse to let yourself deteriorate. After reading what JW wrote, I felt kinda it was like referring to me. Hah, but its okay, I know myself I still play soccer to enjoy after all.
Since I am at the motive of playing soccer, let me clarify one thing.
I no longer use anger to motivate myself.
I admit I do get angry sometimes but I no longer let it take over my senses. I only get uptight when I play because I see my teammates doing things that pull down their own standards. As I believe no one plays soccer to lose, we should also try to win as we enjoy. I hope what Ive said didnt offend anyone. If I did, sorry. There is still a lot of us to learn, so lets all play together to improve and have fun.

Back to XS friends challenge, I do hope we will have a nice time. So please try to make it possible. As we all know, we do have very limited field experience for the team. If any of your would like anymore field matches, I have also 2 teams of friends that are willing to have a game of friendly match with us.

The first one is YuLi team - Jurong Gonzales. Most of the members of their team are from Hyss 2005 NT or NA batch. They have good skills but they lack teamwork. Also, they have a coach and definitely have more field experience than us. They usually play in the fields of NTU on weekends. So if we gonna have a match, we would need to travel to NTU.

The other will be some of my friends, they are 2 years older than us but the level that we are playing on is almost the same. They are very experienced in field matches and each of their players has their respective positions. This means they have a permanent and good keeper. But they have not been playing for some time so their standard and stamina may not be as good as us. This team plays in any field in Singapore but the bad things is that they book fields and refs for matches. So if we gonna have a match with them, we have to pay some of the costs as well. But the costs should be around $5 per person. Also, if your want, they can also have a friendly street soccer match with us. But only on sundays. Hah.
Fabian 4

12/09/2006 05:48:00 PM

Hey guys I gt 2 grps of people waiting to play with us from my poly side. The 1st grp is indians under 18, grp name: Galaticos. They are exprienced and strong with 90 minutes of infinite stamina. Aswad style. Few of them are SPSU[singapore poly student union] players which I suppose SPSU is last year SP inter cons finalist. Galaticos won Geylang United Under 18, 4-0. Therefore no way we are going to play them. Just for ref...

Next..another match is against a mixed grp of 17yrs old. I knew some of their players, not very strong compare to indians. They are like us. Just that they don't play every sat. They wanna play us on next sat 16th dec. Time and space I'll confirm later. Firstly i gotta confirm whether we got a complete team or not. Wee chong doesnt seems to join us every sat therefore we doesnt have a stable goalie. I dun wanna end up like last time whereby we argue abt keeper issue.

May god blast you
swen. no.1 :]

12/08/2006 10:59:00 PM

Guess what, i'm here blogging at 5.35am..haha..can you believe it? Anyway, i'm just here to talk about our attitude towards soccer..guys, i seriously feel that we should change our attitude towards soccer for the better..i mean, come to play soccer with the correct attitude..which is to enjoy soccer! Sometimes i noticed that some of us here come to play with the wrong attitude..so you guys wanna spoil the game ar? If that is so, then let me tell you..you are unwelcomed..hey, please spare a thought for others who wanna enjoy the game..you think it is fair for others to suffer just because you got your own problems or whatever? I know all of us here might have our own problems and temperament..but please, playing soccer is not for you to vent your frustration or whatsoever..if you wanna vent your frustration, go buy a sandbag and hit it at home..we people here wants to enjoy soccer, not to let you vent out your anger or act as human sandbag when you feel like playing rough just because of some petty problems that happened while playing..if you got your personal problems, then i rather you not to join us for soccer in the first place..instead, settle your things first before playing with us..and we should learn how to control our temper too..on top of that, no rough plays ok? I don't mean not to play physical in this way..my rough play here means injuring others..you are playing with your friends leh..be a bit more considerate..we got schools to attend (except me) and some of us here got to work too..

And i've said my piece..accepting it or not, its up to you readers..sorry for the harsh tone if any of you finds it offending..most importantly, i'm not targeting anybody..because what i've said is a general overview of what i've noticed from everyone..if any of you feels that i'm targeting you, i apologise first and also, i believe you should check on yourself too =) I gonna go have my breakfast le..cya guys =D

Jiawei was here............................................................

12/08/2006 05:33:00 AM

I love soccer